Current Emblem Lead Time: 5-7 Days

Current Emblem Lead Time: 5-7 Days


All our products are made in the USA!


On orders over $200, In the US


Ask About Mil/LEO Discount

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Dealer/Installer Program

Own an offroad or custom shop? Vinyl graphics or wrap business? Car audio? Detailer? You can become a dealer and/or recommended installer for Chop Shop Emblems / Gladius Offroad products!

Why work with Gladius Offroad / Chop Shop Emblems?

I am a small, residential based business and I am a huge supporter of small business, so I designed this program with them in mind. I know how hard it is to get started with new products from large companies. I love this industry. I treat my customers the way I would want to be treated. I want us both to make money and have fun doing it. I like to keep things simple.

  • Product discounts typically around 25-30%
  • Bulk discounts available
  • You set your own price on parts and install
  • No minimum orders or up front purchases
  • No stock to maintain, unless you want to
  • No dealer “fee” or buy-ins
  • No MSRP’s
  • No Net 30
  • Fast turn around times (Most orders leave here 1-3 days)
  • I don’t require you to have a retail store front
  • Both brick and mortar shops as well as residential based shops are accepted
  • State by state Listing on both my websites
  • Be a dealer, installer, or both, up to you
  • Access to other laser cutting/engraving products

You can see both websites here: and

Requirements are fairly simple. I like all installers to watch my Install Video. These are not hard to install, but easy to mess up. I DO require some work samples and profile review to make sure dealers and installers I am recommending are professional, on time, etc. If you are just getting started and don’t have much for reference, don’t be afraid to contact me. I have been there, and I am always willing to work with good people.

If this sounds like a product you’d like to offer, send me a message with the following information to start the approval process! (It’s simple) or message me through Facebook

Name of business

Type of Business (Vinyl graphics, detail shop, offroad shop, independant installer, etc)

City and state

Link to relevant social media profile and/or website

If you just want to be a recommended installer or a dealer as well

If you’d like to be a dealer, what type of products you think you would be interested in